Acupuncture is among the most effective alternative treatments from Chinese traditional medicine. It has been tested and proven to work in the healing of various types of illnesses and medical conditions, including infertility. People who struggle with fertility issues can benefit from a treatment that does not involve dangerous medications and prolonged treatments that are less effective and cause more side effects. Acupuncturists offer a non-toxic and natural alternative that can treat your fertility issues and leave you healthier than before. Additionally, acupuncture is more cost-effective than modern medicine.

You can talk to our highly trained and experienced acupuncturists at Art of Chinese Healing for more information on acupuncture and its effectiveness in treating fertility issues. Due to its effectiveness, people have slowly accepted acupuncture as part of their treatment regime for various conditions. The technique has also been accepted as part of Western medicine. Our acupuncturists in Los Angeles will provide the information you need to make an informed decision. We will also help you through the treatment procedures until you are happy with the results.

An Overview of Acupuncture Treatment Technique

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment technique that has gained so much popularity across the globe over the years. Its popularity is primarily due to its effectiveness in managing pain and treating various illnesses and conditions. It is also safe and cost-effective. Trained acupuncturists perform acupuncture on different body parts, depending on the underlying medical conditions and the expected results. For example, they can alleviate back pain, treat migraines, and correct infertility issues in men and women. People seek traditional treatments for stress-related problems, too, like depression.

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that targets overall well-being. It aims to balance a person’s energy by stimulating particular points in their body. As part of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture flows through specific meridian pathways. The meridians correspond to different human body organs and are physiologically or anatomically connected to them.

In acupuncture, the human body has vital points located in various parts. These key points are the acupoints that experts stimulate to promote healing. Acupuncturists stimulate these acupoints with tiny needles, which they insert through the skin. The needles stimulate the acupoints, which rebalance the person’s qi or energy output from within. The needles also release natural chemicals from the body to alleviate pain and fight illnesses and conditions. 

Acupuncture Program for Fertility Treatment

When you visit an acupuncturist with a fertility problem, they develop a treatment program for you that includes these processes:

The Evaluation

The acupuncturist examines your body and reviews your treatment history to determine your fertility issue. They will assess you, ask you questions, and address some of the problems you have faced concerning your fertility. Experienced acupuncturists handle this stage in a very caring manner. They focus on your physical and emotional well-being and recommend a treatment that will cater to it.

The Treatment Plan

Acupuncturists do not have a one-fit-all treatment program for everyone who comes with a fertility problem. They develop unique patient plans based on individual needs and expected results. The basis of your plan will be the acupuncturist’s findings during the evaluation procedure. It will include the underlying issue, expected results, and the number of treatment sessions that will possibly yield the expected results. Treatment plans for infertility last for between three and six months. The period includes continuous evaluation by the acupuncturist, supportive counseling, and close monitoring.

The Actual Treatment

When you are ready for treatment, the acupuncturist will begin the treatment plan. Skilled acupuncturists use effective and safe treatment methods, including acupuncture and herbal treatments. They address infertility issues for both men and women.

Your acupuncturist can work closely with your fertility doctor to ensure you use both Eastern and Western medicine effectively. However, they will first explain the benefits of having the two treatments in your plan, how they work, and what to expect during and after treatment.

The Treatment Strategy

Remember that acupuncture is about stimulating acupoints in the body to trigger healing. Thus, your acupuncturist can include other strategies in your treatment to improve its effectiveness. For example, they can customize some strategies to help you control your stress and anxiety hormones to ensure that your treatment works. Remember that stress and anxiety hormones can get in the way of your treatment. They could delay your results or make achieving complete healing with acupuncture challenging. These strategies will help you remain relaxed throughout the treatment period.

Acupuncture and IVF

IVF is one of the most popular ways for people to improve their rates of pregnancy today. It entails fertilizing an ovum externally and then transferring it to the womb. The procedure works very well for women who experience difficulties getting pregnant the natural way. However, the method does not always work for some people. While some people only need a single IVF treatment, other people need two or more to enjoy parenthood.

IVF is a widespread fertility treatment in Western medicine. Its success rate is high, especially among young women. However, it is complicated and costly, making it inaccessible to everyone battling infertility issues. Additionally, there is usually no guarantee that it will work for you. The procedure registers a higher success rate for women below 40 than those older than 40.

These issues with IVF have prompted many people to seek alternative treatments for their fertility issues. Experts have been exploring alternative therapies, including acupuncture and herbal medicine, to ensure more people enjoy parenthood, regardless of their fertility problems and financial situation. Combining IVF with a safer, more effective, and more diverse treatment provides an even better solution.

Today, acupuncturists are partnering with fertility doctors, including those advocating for IVF, to develop a complete, holistic, and effective treatment for women battling infertility problems. Acupuncturists are also offering complementary solutions to enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture and IVF. With these options, you enjoy a higher chance of carrying a healthy pregnancy and delivering a healthy child with minimal complications and reduced health issues. Suppose you are interested in this kind of treatment. In that case, you can organize a session with your acupuncture and physician to discuss the underlying issues and develop a more holistic approach to your problem.

Remember that acupuncture does not just treat one ailment or health condition. It improves your overall well-being. Thus, combining IVF treatment with acupuncture and other additional treatments will ensure excellent health throughout your pregnancy. The acupuncturist will encourage you to continue your treatments during the pregnancy to improve your chances of success. Once the delivery dates close, the acupuncturist and physician will work together to ensure you are comfortable and well-prepared to deliver your child.

Acupuncture and Infertility in Men

Acupuncture has also been tested and proven to work very well for men with infertility problems. Remember that infertility affects men and women almost in equal measure. Couples wishing to start a family and are facing challenges must choose a treatment based on the underlying problem. Although there are modern medications that work very well in improving fertility for men, acupuncture is a safe, more effective, and cost-friendly option.

Acupuncturists use a technique that stimulates a body’s natural healing processes to resolve health issues, including fertility. Acupuncture also aims to balance a body’s energy flow, which is critical in improving a person’s overall health. Acupuncturists use tiny needles, which they insert in a patient’s specific acupoints to regulate various bodily functions and alleviate symptoms. Your treatment plan with an acupuncturist will depend on the exact cause of your fertility problem. The treatment expert will begin your sessions by conducting a complete examination of your body to determine the underlying issues that are causing your fertility issues.

Although acupuncturists are still discovering ways to treat major male infertility issues, here are some of the treatments they have effected using this technique:

  • Using acupuncture to enhance hormone levels in the body and boost sperm production
  • Using acupuncture to increase blood flow in genital areas, which facilitates sperm release
  • Reducing inflammation from chronic medical problems, like diabetes, which inhibits sperm production

If you have been seeing a physician for treatment, you can also engage an acupuncturist to improve your treatment results. Today, acupuncturists are partnering with other medical experts to offer holistic treatments. Your physician and acupuncturist can develop a comprehensive treatment program to enhance your overall health, which could improve the rate of success of the fertility medications your physician is administering.

Remember that acupuncture is a holistic treatment that improves overall well-being. Thus, you will enjoy the treatment’s benefits for years, even after becoming a parent.

The Role of Acupuncture in Fertility

For a very long time, the Chinese have used acupuncture to manage pain and treat all kinds of fertility issues. By inserting tiny needles at strategic points in the human body, an acupuncturist can trigger a person’s brain to release critical hormones like endorphins for stress reduction and regulation of fertility hormones. Acupuncture also stimulates other hormones throughout the body for improved well-being. Fertility is one of the major issues people struggle with, especially those in marriage. Combining acupuncture with modern fertility treatments can yield excellent results. Here are some of how you can enhance your fertility using acupuncture:

Improving the Quality of Eggs

So many factors contribute to a person’s fertility. The specific factors depend on whether you are a man or a woman. A woman requires a healthy egg and womb for fertilization to take place. The quality of your eggs could be the cause of your infertility. Understanding this makes it easy for you to find the proper treatment and support to improve the quality of your eggs.

Fortunately, acupuncture has been tested and proven to work in this area. By improving the quality of your eggs, acupuncture ensures that fertilization will take place and the resulting embryo will be healthy. Thus, if you have been diagnosed with low-quality eggs, acupuncture treatment can improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

This treatment works well for male and female patients experiencing infertility and energetic kidney deficiency. Acupuncturists use it to improve egg and embryo quality. Some people who experience fertility problems have PCOS, which results in absent or irregular periods and whose primary cause is usually low kidney energy.

Balancing Fertility Hormones and Normalizing Menstruation

Hormonal imbalances have been attributed as a leading cause of infertility in men and women. Hormones are chemical messengers that control human organs and cell function. They run through the bloodstream to tissues, organs, and cells. Balanced hormones work in unison to ensure various bodily functions work as they should. An imbalance creates problems in multiple organs. For example, if your reproductive hormones are imbalanced, they could be the reason you are battling fertility issues.

Fortunately, there are medications to balance hormones throughout the body. Acupuncture also boosts hormone levels in the body, creating a general balance that ensures improved fertility. It can also increase the production of critical hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin, which are essential in enhancing fertility.

Stress Reduction

Stress affects different bodily functions, including your fertility. Most fertility issues affecting men and women are linked to stress. In some cases, stress causes infertility, and in other cases, it exacerbates it. Battling infertility is ‘in itself’ stressful. Some people become more stressed once they start fertility treatments, especially if they fail to see results after a few trials or the treatments are more expensive.

In addition to triggering a body’s natural healing abilities, acupuncture is an excellent way to reduce stress and relax. It can also trigger the production of cortisol, the body’s stress-relieving hormone. You can improve your fertility by a significant margin by starting acupuncture and can enjoy good results even before your treatment is over.

Other Benefits of Acupuncture

Adding acupuncture to your fertility treatment regime is an excellent idea. You get to enjoy several other benefits, including the following:

It Improves Your General Well-being

Your general health is essential as it makes living a full life possible and enjoying everything life throws your way. However, this is difficult to achieve if you are battling some health issues, including fertility issues. Including acupuncture in your treatment regime is an excellent boost to your general well-being. In addition to improving your chances of becoming a parent, acupuncture enhances your bodily functions, balances your hormones, and relieves your stress, leaving you way better than you were before the treatment.

Excellent well-being means impeccable physical health. It also means excellent mental and emotional well-being, which helps in your professional, social, and personal lives.

Acupuncture Results Last for Years

People who battle fertility issues only look forward to that single chance of becoming parents. Their focus is mainly on that one opportunity. Most fertility treatments are based on a particular period within which the patients will carry a healthy pregnancy. If the patients want to have another pregnancy, they are forced to go through the same treatment cycle.

Acupuncture is a natural treatment approach to improve a person’s general well-being. This improved health brings a lot of benefits, including enhanced fertility. The results do not last for a few months like modern fertility treatments but for years. This means that you do not need a few more acupuncture sessions after a year or two to carry another pregnancy. A single treatment plan with your acupuncturist can keep you healthy for years.

Acupuncture Has Minimal Side Effects

Some modern fertility treatments have grave side effects that could affect a patient for years. Some treatments leave you feeling sick or weak for weeks or months. Acupuncture is a natural treatment that does not have any adverse side effects. Acupuncturists use thin needles on your skin to trigger a body’s natural healing abilities. Other than the minor perforations on your skin during the treatment, you will not experience any side effects after a treatment session. The perforations could be painful for a day or two but heal quickly.

Remember that acupuncture does not involve the use of medication. This makes it safe for all. People with severe allergic reactions to some medications can still enhance their fertility through this technique.

Additionally, acupuncture is not painful. You can go through all your treatment sessions without worrying about pain or discomfort. Again, you do not need anesthesia during your treatment sessions. Professional acupuncturists use soothing techniques to keep their patients calm and relaxed throughout the sessions. Thus, this treatment will work for you if you are allergic to anesthesia.

Find a Competent Acupuncture Specialist Near Me

Are you or someone you know battling infertility in Los Angeles, CA?

Infertility is a leading cause of stress and depression in most families. Fortunately, there are fertility treatments to improve your chances of becoming a parent. However, most treatments are expensive, ineffective, and have adverse side effects.

At Art of Chinese Healing, we recommend acupuncture as a natural, effective, and safe way to enhance fertility. We recommend including acupuncture with your fertility treatment to enjoy all the benefits both treatments offer. Acupuncture will improve your general well-being for years. Call us at 310-405-1610 if you need more information about how this works. Our acupuncture experts will ensure you have adequate information for an informed decision.