Infertility is a very stressful matter. It comes with a lot of anxiety and stress as you try to conceive but cannot. This affects your work, relationships, and your overall well-being. The challenges and costs of fertility treatments also cause a lot of stress on you and could affect the unborn child when the treatment finally succeeds. Many people today are considering traditional Chinese medicine for infertility treatment because it is less stressful, more effective, and promotes your overall health. Acupuncturists and modern fertility doctors recommend combining the two for more effective and balanced treatment and quicker and less costly results.

The Art of Chinese Healing has trained and experienced acupuncturists offering IVF and IUI support to improve women’s fertility health. We review treatment histories and examine patients to recommend the best traditional treatment to improve their success rate with infertility treatment. If you or someone you love is battling infertility in Los Angeles, you can contact us for a personalized review.

Acupuncture and Fertility Challenges

Men and women are generally born with the ability to reproduce. Sadly, this ability does not come naturally to all people. Infertility affects a significant percentage of people of all genders in the world today. It becomes a considerable problem when you are ready to raise a family but cannot because of an underlying infertility issue. Fortunately, there are fertility treatments for men and women to increase their chances of conceiving naturally. IVF and IUF are the most common of these treatments designed for women. However, they come with a fair share of challenges, including the cost, adverse side effects, and reduced likelihood of success.

The stress of not being able to conceive when you are ready to become parents can worsen your chances. This is because stress and anxiety are significant problems that reduce your fertility rate. Stress is inevitable when you realize that you lack an ability that comes very naturally to some people. This stress's effects are within and without because it affects your productivity and relationships. In their quest for a more effective solution for the infertility issue, many people have resulted in traditional Chinese medicine. Practices like acupuncture have been proven very effective in increasing women’s fertility rates.

Acupuncture has slowly become widespread in Western countries because of its effectiveness, safety, and ability to improve a person’s general well-being. It is now accepted as a natural treatment alternative for people who are battling infertility. People choose acupuncture because of its unique therapeutic benefits, convenience, and reduced side effects. Today, it is a more reliable choice for people who are yet to start infertility treatment, those in the middle of treatment, and the ones who are about to give up the idea of having children. You can incorporate acupuncture at any stage of your infertility treatment for better and safer results.

Remember that acupuncture is not a new practice. It has been there for years, primarily as part of Chinese traditional treatments. Couples that have used it for IVF or IUI support speak highly of its effectiveness. This is because it can improve your natural ability to conceive. However, acupuncturists and healthcare practitioners recommend combining modern infertility treatments with acupuncture to increase your success rate with IVF or IUI.

When receiving acupuncture treatment, the acupuncture uses thin, metallic needles on the skin. By strategically inserting the needles into your body, the acupuncturists activate acu points and your body’s natural healing abilities. The human body has over 200 acupoints located in various body parts. These points connect to pathways or meridians that flow energy through the body. The energy flow dictates your general health and your body’s well-being. Some bodily distractions affect this energy flow, causing you to experience pain or become sick.

Acupuncturists are trained to use gentle and specific movements to activate the acupoints with tiny needles to restore energy flow in these points. This is how they restore your general health. Through this treatment, an acupuncturist can relieve your chronic pain from medical conditions like arthritis, neck pain, and lower back pain. It can also improve your general health and increase fertility.

The Basic Principles of Acupuncture for Infertility Treatment

The philosophy of acupuncture treatment is based on the traditional dualistic Chinese theory, the yin and yang. The former is the passive and dark energy that the earth represents. The latter is the light and active energy that the heavens represent. The two forces within the human body cause the body to function in a natural environment. However, the two energies must flow around and through each other in perfect harmony. This is when a body performs as it should, and you are healthy. However, an imbalance in the flow of the two energies causes the body to experience a blockage in its energy flow, which causes physical disharmony and diseases.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, every energy flow in the body is connected to a particular organ, like a liver or kidney. When external or internal factors block the energy flow in a specific path, you experience discomfort or pain around that organ. An acupuncturist can use their expertise to identify the exact location of the blockage to recommend a treatment plan that will unblock the energy to restore the harmonious flow and your health. Acupuncture can clear all the pathways in your body. Thus, it is an effective treatment for various medical conditions. It also improves a person’s general well-being, leaving you feeling strong and healthy for a long time.

Since there is usually no particular cause of infertility, working closely with an acupuncturist is recommended. This is highly recommended, even if you have already started infertility treatments. Acupuncturists focus on treating the whole body and all the organs to restore your health and improve your fertility. An acupuncturist will review your treatment history and your symptoms to determine the underlying cause of your infertility. They will figure out the cause of the imbalance in the body that is affecting your fertility. Restoring the lost balance will be the primary focus of their treatment.

How Acupuncture Enhances Fertility

Acupuncturists and modern fertility doctors are combining modern treatments with traditional Chinese treatments to boost fertility and restore your body’s general health. Here are some of the ways you can benefit from acupuncture:

Acupuncture for Stress Reduction

Infertility, in itself, is a significant cause of stress and anxiety for men and women. It affects a woman’s ability to conceive and carry a child to term. Medical experts believe that stress and anxiety are the leading causes of a woman’s hormonal balance. This balance is necessary during conception and pregnancy. If your hormones are imbalanced, doctors use medication to manage the situation and improve your chances of conceiving. Imbalance hormones also affect your libido and ovulation. These are very critical during conception. If your libido is low, your body’s ability to release the right hormones for conception is low.

Acupuncture is very effective in reducing a person’s stress levels. The technique triggers the release of the good hormones, endorphins, which create the balance the body needs to function naturally. Acupuncture also calms a person’s nervous system and lowers blood pressure, promoting general health and well-being.

Thus, combining acupuncture with fertility medication improves your chances of obtaining the desired results.

Acupuncture for Increased Blood Flow

Remember that acupuncture balances the body’s natural energies, which flow around and through each other in harmony. This promotes a smooth flow of energy and blood throughout the body. When an underlying factor impacts this flow, your blood flow is also affected, making it difficult for your body to function naturally as it should. An acupuncturist can identify the exact cause of your infertility by reviewing your symptoms and treatment history. If the cause is insufficient blood flow to the organs responsible for your fertility, they can use tiny needles to restore the flow of energy and improve blood flow to all organs.

Acupuncture has been tested and proven to improve blood flow to all body organs, including reproductive organs. This can restore your organ’s natural abilities, especially the uterus and ovaries. An improved blood flow also enhances the quality and quantity of ova a woman produces and the thickness of her uterine wall. Once your uterus and ovaries are well-nourished with the proper nutrients from the circulating blood, your chances of conceiving improve significantly.

Acupuncture for Balanced Hormones

Unbalanced hormones also affect your fertility levels. Remember that everything within the body must function well for all your organs to perform as they should. If the hormones responsible for your fertility are imbalanced, you could experience difficulties conceiving or carrying a healthy pregnancy.

Acupuncturists use their techniques to create the much-needed hormone balance to improve fertility and restore general health. Using tiny needles, an acupuncturist can stimulate the endocrine system to generate and release hormones that affect menstruation, ovulation, and pregnancy. Acupuncture also balances the hormones your body produces, including estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. These are the hormones that you need to enjoy a good fertility level.

The other benefits of acupuncture are that it relaxes and calms your body and mind and keeps your body healthy for a healthy pregnancy.

The Benefits of Combining Acupuncture and Fertility Treatments

Women battling infertility are diagnosed with various kinds of medical conditions, including polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, and ovulation issues. These are some of the problems traditional Chinese medicine can help with. Medical experts and acupuncturists report a significant improvement in fertility for women who receive acupuncture alongside their regular modern infertility treatment. For example, if you undergo acupuncture before embryo transfer, your chances of conceiving are usually high. Acupuncture’s improved general health and well-being also improve your chances of carrying a healthy pregnancy after IVF.

Although acupuncture alone can significantly improve your fertility and general health, medical experts recommend combining it with fertility treatments for better, more timely, and lasting results. Remember that modern medication also works very well in treating fertility issues. The benefits that acupuncture provides can improve the effectiveness of modern fertility treatments. Thus, you can start acupuncture before or in the middle of your IVF or IUI treatment.

Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. Remember that traditional Chinese medicine has been around for so many years. It has been tested and proven to work in treating and managing different medical conditions and restoring and improving a person’s general health. It also comes with whole-person benefits you can enjoy for years after treatment.

Acupuncture is also a safe treatment. Acupuncturists and experts in traditional Chinese medicine do not rely on harmful medications with adverse side effects. They use techniques that trigger a body’s natural healing ability, which remains effective years after the treatment. If you are allergic to medication or experience severe side effects after taking medicine, you will be safe with acupuncture. It is a natural treatment with minimal side effects.

Thus, combining acupuncture with fertility medication is an excellent idea for the following reasons:

Acupuncture Increases Your Chances of Success

Acupuncture is an effective way to improve your general health, an essential factor in fertility. You will likely experience minimal fertility issues when your general health is good. Therefore, you can combine acupuncture with fertility treatment to increase your chances of conception, ovulation, clinical pregnancy, and live birth. The results are usually better, more effective, and faster when the two treatments are used simultaneously.

If you are already seeking a doctor for fertility treatment, you can schedule an appointment with an acupuncturist to start your treatments as well. The acupuncturist will review your medical records to determine the proper treatment techniques to manage the fertility problem you are battling. They will also determine the number of sessions you must be in treatment to improve your fertility and your chances of success with fertility medication.

Acupuncture Lowers the Overall Costs of Fertility Treatments

People who have undergone fertility treatments know how expensive they are. You can be on treatment for a prolonged period without success, which costs even more. Since acupuncture improves your chances of success with fertility treatment, you can reduce the time you must spend on fertility treatment and cut the overall cost.

Also, acupuncture improves your general well-being. This reduces your dependence on modern fertility treatment. The healing effects of acupuncture last for a very long time, within which you will not need to pay more for fertility treatment if you want to conceive again. However, you have to keep up with your treatment plan as recommended by your acupuncturists for more effective results.

Possible Side Effects of Acupuncture

Just like all traditional Chinese treatments, acupuncture is a natural and safe technique. This makes it suitable for all people because of its few side effects. Only very few people have reported side effects after undergoing acupuncture, which makes it a relatively safe treatment for infertility in women. Also, most of the side effects reported are not severe. To prepare yourself, you must know what to expect during and after treatment.

Remember that acupuncture treatment entails the insertion of tiny needles at strategic locations on the skin. The acupuncturist determines the acupoint to focus on, depending on their diagnosis and treatment plan. Although these tiny needles do not leave large scars on the skin, it takes some people a long time to heal. Other people experience severe bruising on the treatment site, and others report infections. Seek immediate treatment or talk to your acupuncturists if you notice an unusual swelling or infection on the treatment site.

If you have a bleeding disorder or are on blood thinners, let your acupuncturist know before starting treatment. They will take necessary precautions to protect you from overbleeding after treatment. You should also speak to your acupuncturist if you have a pacemaker for a more effective and safe treatment plan. The acupuncturist will take time to review your medical history before starting treatment. Take that opportunity to ask any questions you have for more informed decision-making.

Find a Holistic Healing Clinic Near Me

Modern fertility medicine gives people fighting infertility the hope of starting a family. However, they do not always work; some have adverse side effects that leave you feeling sick for a long time. Acupuncture is a tried and tested technique that works well in treating infertility and restoring your general health. It is safe and effective in improving overload flow and balancing critical hormones. You can combine it with your fertility treatments to improve its chances of success.

Call Art of Chinese Healing at 310-405-1610 to learn more about acupuncture, its benefits, side effects, and effectiveness. Our team in Los Angeles comprises highly trained and experienced acupuncturists and experts in traditional Chinese medicine. We can diagnose and develop a treatment plan to bring you closer to your fertility goals. Our focus is not just on your symptoms but the underlying cause of your infertility. We will leave you enjoying improved fertility and general health benefits for a very long time after treatment.