Has a digestive disease taken a toll on your general wellness and health? Are you looking for an effective and natural solution to offer relief? Search no further. Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture, is a non-invasive and safe treatment option that most medical practitioners integrate with conventional medicine to promote the effectiveness of recommended treatment plans. Acupuncture targets digestive-related acupoints and regulates your body’s natural recovery mechanism, augmenting lifestyle changes, and medication advantages.
Do not allow your digestive health condition to hinder your quality of life. Instead, contact Art of Chinese Healing. We can work with you to determine the proper treatment so you can live an optimal life and enjoy your favorite foods without side effects and drugs. Below are some of the digestive system disorders we treat in Los Angeles.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that impact the digestive system, including the intestines. It does not damage tissues in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract or increase the risk of more severe diseases like colon cancer. Instead, it is a long-term disease that most patients manage by modifying their routines, undergoing behavioral therapy, taking medications, and watching what they eat.
IBS symptoms can manifest frequently. You will not always experience symptoms. Instead, they disappear and return. These signs and symptoms include the following:
Cramps or abdominal pain
Bloating and excess gas
Constipation and diarrhea
Mucus in the poop that might appear whitish
Feeling like you cannot empty the bowels following pooping
It is unclear what causes IBS, but medical practitioners categorize it as a neuro-gastrointestinal disease. The issue concerns how the brain and gut coordinate to facilitate the digestive system.
There are specific triggers that worsen or cause IBS symptoms. They include particular foods, stress, and menstrual periods.
Acupuncture is a conventional Chinese medicine practice that balances the body’s energy. In 2020, researchers studied how acupuncture impacts the gut-brain connection deemed to cause IBS. The research involved 143 participants suffering from diarrhoea-predominant IBS. The scientists discovered that acupuncture improved IBS signs and symptoms and restored the abnormal gut-brain functional connection to normal. Nevertheless, the research did not involve a control group.
Acupuncture is a safe treatment option that does not cause severe side effects. The only side effect is soreness that disappears within hours.
Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a long-term disease that causes ulcers and inflammation in the large intestines (colon). It is a typical type of inflammatory bowel disease.
Medical practitioners categorize UC based on the location of the inflammation in the large intestines. Typically, the inflammation begins in the rectum and spreads and impacts part or all of the colon. Different types of UC include the following:
Ulcerative proctitis — Inflammation affecting the rectum
Pancolitis — Inflammation affecting the whole colon
Left-sided colitis — Inflammation impacting the colon’s left side
Inflammation affecting the sigmoid colon (the large intestines’ S-shaped section) and rectum
UC symptoms worsen over time. From the onset, you can notice the following signs and symptoms of mild UC:
Increased diarrhea episodes or bowel movements
Urgent bowel movement
Mild abdominal tenderness or cramping
Here are the symptoms of moderate and severe UC:
Frequent diarrhea episodes or bowel movements
Pus, mucus, or blood in the stool
Serious belly cramping
Sudden weight loss
Medical practitioners believe that an overactive immune response causes UC. The immune system protects the body from dangerous substances, including germs. However, it can also mistakenly attack the body, leading to tissue damage and inflammation.
To diagnose ulcerative colitis, a physician will conduct a physical examination and inquire about your symptoms and family history of IBD. Then, they can order tests like stool samples, blood, endoscopic, and imaging tests to distinguish UC from other identical diseases.
Acupuncture can be an effective treatment option because it enhances or activates your body’s natural painkillers, alleviating UC-related pain, reducing disease activity, and regulating inflammation.
Acid Reflux
Your stomach’s content should only travel down. When your stomach’s acid flows back into the throat and esophagus, it is known as acid reflux. When the acid enters the wrong place, it inflames and irritates tissues in the esophagus.
You might have experienced an occasional acid reflux episode. It can feel like heartburn or indigestion. Some people have chronic acid reflux. Chronic acid reflux can impact the quality of your life and damage your tissues.
Chronic acid reflux is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux is deemed chronic if you have had it more than twice weekly for many weeks. GERD affects approximately 10 percent of minors and 20 percent of adults in America.
Symptoms of GERD and acid reflux include the following:
Backwash (regurgitation)
A burning sensation
Noncardiac chest pains
Sore throat
Asthma symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing and chronic coughing
In children, you can expect symptoms like challenges sleeping, refusing to eat, bad breath, minor vomiting episodes, and excessive fussiness.
These symptoms can worsen during any of the following:
While lying down
At night
After drinking alcohol or smoking
After bending over
After a fatty or large meal
According to the American College of Gastroenterology, GERD occurs when bile and gastric acid flow from the stomach into the esophagus. Specific diseases, lifestyle habits, and foods weaken the esophageal sphincter. The esophageal sphincter is a muscle that functions as a valve to stop stomach content from refluxing into your esophagus.
Specific categories of individuals are more likely to develop GERD. They include smokers, people above 50 years, obese individuals, and people taking aspirin.
Acupuncture Can Assist in GERD Reduction
Acupuncture has many effects on your digestive system and brain-gut communication. Here are the underlying mechanisms of acupuncture:
Modulating your nervous system
Adjusting gastrointestinal motility
Repairing gut microbiota
Supporting intestinal barrier
Anti-inflammatory mechanism
Regulating visceral hypersensitivity
A review conducted in 2021 noted that acupuncture assists in regulating pathways in your nervous system by relieving indigestion or function dyspepsia symptoms. GERD causes dyspepsia.
Another study involving sixty participants with GERD discovered that acupuncture inhibited bile and acid reflux more effectively than omeprazole, a standard treatment for digestive symptoms.
Gastroenteritis Digestive Disorder
Gastroenteritis is the inflammation in the intestine and stomach. The inflammation makes the organs sore and swollen.
Infectious gastroenteritis is the most typical type. It is caused by an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, which can originate from parasites, fungi, or bacteria.
Chemical gastroenteritis is another type of gastroenteritis that can occur after ingesting hazardous chemicals that can contaminate water and food sources. Additionally, you can get the condition from heavy doses of drugs, alcohol, and medications.
Gastroenteritis symptoms can include the following:
Body aches
Abdominal cramping and pain
Vomiting and nausea
Losing appetite
Typically, gastroenteritis symptoms manifest suddenly. Signs like nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, and diarrhea appear first. As days pass, you might start experiencing systematic symptoms that impact the rest of the body. They include body aches, chills, and fever.
Gastroenteritis lasts a couple of days. The body can overcome many viral and bacterial infections on its own. Nevertheless, some forms of gastroenteritis can require treatment or last longer.
This digestive disease occurs when the immune system responds to protect the intestine and stomach by sending inflammatory cells to repair injured tissues and fight infections. This response is temporary and takes a short time to function, and then the inflammation disappears.
You are more likely to suffer from gastroenteritis if you:
Work or reside in a hospital
Suffer from a disease that weakens the immune system
Drinks alcohol or smokes frequently
Eat raw meat or fish
Are younger than six or a senior citizen
How Traditional Chinese Medicine Assists in Gastroenteritis Treatment
Traditional Chinese medicine has many advantages for gastroenteritis treatment, including the following:
TCM uses a holistic approach to address your disease’s root cause instead of the symptoms. This offers long-term relief and prevents gastroenteritis recurrence.
Healthcare providers consider every patient’s medical history and symptoms to develop an individualized treatment plan. This optimizes the effectiveness of the treatment plan and reduces side effects.
Acupuncture can reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and alleviate pain in patients.
TCM herbal formulas can regulate your digestive system, reinforce your immune system, and eliminate symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea.
Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary therapy promotes the recovery of your digestive system by recommending certain foods and avoiding others based on your symptoms.
Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is a long-term autoimmune disease that inflames and irritates your digestive tract. It is a type of inflammatory bowel disease.
The condition can affect any part of the digestive system. Different categories of the disease include the following:
Ileocolitis — Inflammation of the lower small intestines and a section of the large intestine
Colitis — Inflammation in the large intestine’s lining
Ileitis — Inflammation and swelling in the ileum
Gastroduodenal — Irritation and inflammation that affects the stomach and duodenum
Perianal disease — Inflammation around your anus, and it can lead to abscesses or fistula
Jejunitis — Patchy sections of inflammation in your jejunum.
The disease’s signs and symptoms can appear suddenly or develop gradually. They can be severe or mild. They include the following:
Cramps or abdominal pain
Chronic diarrhea
Weight loss and loss of appetite
Mouth ulcers
Pain in the gums or mouth
Bloody stool
Fatigue and fever
The symptoms can also manifest outside of the digestive tract, including the following:
Joint pain or arthritis
Kidney stones
Skin tags
Inflammation in the bile ducts
Eye inflammation like episcleritis and uveitis
Causes of Crohn’s Disease
While the ailment has no exact cause, it is linked to dysfunctional immune responses.
The autoimmune response occurs when the immune system attacks the body’s cells. The immune system can launch inappropriate attacks on bacteria found in the gut, causing Chohn’s-related inflammation in the intestines.
Sometimes Crohn’s is hereditary.
Acupuncture for Crohn’s Disease
Doctors use TCM acupuncture as a complementary treatment approach for Crohn’s disease. The technique works alongside other treatment options to manage signs and symptoms.
Additionally, some healthcare experts perform electroacupuncture (inserting two needles and utilizing mild electric currents to stimulate your body’s response). Other physicians integrate moxibustion with acupuncture. The doctors burn herbs or heat sticks over specific body parts.
Some of the potential advantages of acupuncture for Crohn’s disease include the following:
Reducing symptoms — According to a study conducted in 2014 on the benefits of moxibustion and acupuncture, three weeks of treatments three times weekly lowers the condition’s symptoms. The researchers discovered that participants in the treatment group had a lower disease activity score and better quality of life.
Promoting brain-gut functions — Researchers conducted a study on patients receiving electroacupuncture and discovered they experienced brain changes that reduced stressful emotions and pain perceptions. The participants underwent three acupuncture sessions a week for 12 weeks. According to the study, acupuncture affected the homeostatic processing network (a brain section that regulates visceral pain, including stomach pain). The treatment option also establishes the gut and brain equilibrium, reducing patient discomfort.
What You Need to Know about Diarrhea and TCM
Diarrhea happens when your stool is watery or loose.
While it is generally mild and disappears within a day or two, it can sometimes indicate a severe health condition. In other words, it can be persistent, acute, or chronic.
Diarrhea is common and affects individuals of every age bracket.
The primary cause of this digestive system ailment is gastroenteritis (a virus that infects the gut). It is also known as a stomach bug or stomach flu. Other causes of diarrhea include the following:
Infections — Pathogens like parasites, bacteria, and viruses can cause infections that result in diarrhea.
Food poisoning — You will likely suffer from diarrhea after ingesting pathogens and harmful toxins from contaminated drinks or foods.
Medication — Diarrhea is a typical medication side effect.
Foods that upset the digestive system
Ailment affecting the bowel
The primary sign and symptom of diarrhea is watery or loose stool. Other symptoms include an urgent urge to visit the toilet, nausea, belly cramps, and bloating. You do not require medical attention if these symptoms last a few days.
However, you should contact your doctor if you have diarrhea, vomiting, severe pain, weight loss, mucus or blood in the stool, or fever. You should also seek medical assistance if you have dehydration signs like dry skin, confusion, headache, vomiting, severe nausea, fatigue, dizziness, dark pee, and irritability.
Typically, diarrhea neither requires treatment nor diagnosis. Only in severe cases do physicians work to understand the cause. They will inquire about your medical history and travel history. They can also order endoscopies, blood tests, hydrogen breath tests, and stool tests to check for parasites, blood, and bacterial infections.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture are effective diarrhea treatments. Acupuncture stimulates acupoints (specific body points) with thin needles. The needles stimulate your body's energy to balance your body’s life energy, enabling the body to control its functions and recover. TCM and acupuncture aim to restore the digestive system’s balance and lower inflammation when treating diarrhea. Here is how your doctor uses TCM to treat diarrhea:
Identifying the cause of diarrhea
Your acupuncturist will ask you questions to understand the cause of diarrhea and determine the best treatment option.
Your physician can recommend using herbal remedies to treat your digestive health condition.
The healthcare provider can suggest specific lifestyle and dietary changes to reduce symptoms.
Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is an inherited autoimmune disease that results in reactions in the body to gluten. Gluten is found in protein in grains like wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten triggers the immune system to produce antibodies that damage the small intestine's lining (mucosa) by flattening their projections and diminishing the surface area. The damage impedes the small intestines’ ability to absorb nutrients, leading to nutritional deficiencies.
Signs and symptoms of celiac disease vary significantly and are different in adults and children. Signs in adults are as follows:
Gas and bloating
Weight loss
Vomiting and nausea
Abdominal pain
In children, the signs include a swollen belly, gas, constipation, foul-smelling stools, nausea, vomiting, and chronic diarrhea.
Some of the long-term complications of celiac disease include malnutrition, infertility, miscarriage, osteoporosis, gallbladder malfunction, liver failure, and lactose intolerance.
Acupuncture helps treat signs and symptoms of celiac disease. A key component of the treatment is discussing your diet with your acupuncturist and how to avoid gluten while eating significant calories to realize optimal health.
According to TCM, the main digestive organs are the spleen and stomach. The spleen controls the transformation of food into nutrients and their transportation to different body organs and systems. A healthy spleen keeps the digestive process smooth and offers energy and nourishment to other organs. When you have less body energy, you are likely to experience celiac symptoms.
Find a Skilled Acupuncturist Near Me
Digestive system conditions are a broad term that includes problems that cause signs and symptoms ranging from IBS to diarrhea to celiac. TCM and acupuncture can help you manage unpleasant symptoms or conditions. When a physician inserts the needles into specific areas, you can experience improvement in your gut mobility and less inflammation, promoting your system’s functionality. Acupuncture also provides a holistic approach to treating digestive diseases and addressing the root cause of body imbalance.
At Art of Chinese Healing, we use the power of Traditional Chinese Medicine to improve digestive system well-being and general vitality. Take the initial step towards optimal wellness and unlock your body’s balance by contacting our Los Angeles office at 310-405-1610. When you visit our facility, we can dedicate time to learning your symptoms and medical history to develop your individualized treatment plan.